Declutter so you can cozy up!
Get 100+ awesome parenting phrases that are key to unlocking a simpler life with kids in this printable pack.
Includes all phrases from the book Helpful Phrases: How to Gain Cooperation from Toddlers and Preschoolers Without Lectures in these beautiful pages.
Phrases aren't a "silver bullet" but sometimes they are.
After Using These Phrases You Will:
Parenting little ones can be crazy at times, but these proven phrases will teach your kids to listen. And the best part? You can stop repeating yourself!
Respond More Effectively
See Less Tantrums At Home
Understand Your Child's Brain
Have Fewer Power Struggles
Feel Less Stressed At Home
Learn exactly how to respond when your kids struggle with behavior, listening, mealtime, bedtime, independence, public places, responsibility and MORE!
Plus, get 3 bonus sections where you’ll learn how to teach kids to play independently and how to find a routine or schedule that will work for your family.
I have printed them out in colours to reminid me these principles!
Mom Approved
Proven Routines
Deep Growth