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Family Culture Planning Pack

Strong Families Don't Happen By Accident

The Research is out and there's no denying it. 

Strong and happy families have carefully crafted Family Cultures.  They don't let guilt drive them, rather they spend their time and energy digging deep into a few key family areas that pay off in spades. 

Family Culture Printable Pack

Moms spend their days and nights worrying if they're doing everything right. They desperately want their kids to grow up in a strong home filled with nurture that builds their character and prepares them for life

That's the stressful truth. But there's good (and less stressful) news...

Families don't need to do more and more things, they just need to focus their attention on a few key areas that make for strong families, then repeat those over and over

Personalize And Memorialize Your Family Culture With This Printable Pack

Have a fun family planning session, create your own personalizable print, then hang it up somewhere in your home to help remind you of your family's values, beliefs, goals, and more. 

This printable pack guides you in creating a strong Family Culture

Do you want your kids to cling to your values? They need to know them.

Do you want close family relationships? You need to focus on the right things.

Do you want meaningful meal times that create lifelong memories? Then take out the stress and add in the fun. 

"Activities that give us durable happiness are the ones we have a hand in creating. We don't just sit back and receive pleasure (fun with family, etc.). We actually generate the pleasure ourselves."

-Secrets of Happy Families

Oh and did I mention?

With the purchase of this printable pack you also get FREE access to the Family Culture Bootcamp. In one week I'll take you through this pack and help you dig deep to create the family life you want. 

Strong families do not happen by accident. It's only through reflection, planning, and action that families go from barely tolerating each other to choosing family above all else. 

Forge a Strong FAMILY CULTURE today...

The Family Culture Pack is the only printable pack I've ever seen to help you plan your own family culture and carry it out through visual reminders. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Alice Painter
Great resource!

My husband and I have been talking through this and it has prompted some excellent discussion and some changes :)

Kellie Cooper
Has changed our family!

thank you so much for the planning pack and videos - they have been such a useful tools and I can say have helped change our family for the better. We are a team now more than ever and it feels so great to have a plan for our family, our bond & our happiness.

Haven Weis

I enjoyed

Caroline de Loriol
Caro, CH

Thank you Rachel for your wonderful helpful family culture pack! I have printed out the various parts and have only started recently: here’s to seeing the changes take place...:))

